Mind, Body & Spirit Counselor
Mind, Body & Spirit Coach
# 267 570 9042
Pranic Healing influences your natural life force to bring about a healthier physical body. It is based on the fundamental principle that the body is a "self-repairing" living entity that possesses the innate ability to heal itself.
Dan MCMeans
Pranic Healer
Reiki Consultation
Taught By Master Choa Kok Sui with his instructions. The Modern Founder Of Pranic Healing.
​Reiki dates back to 770 Ad, and was rediscovered in 1922 when Dr.Usui who climbed Mount Kurama in 1922 and discovered the ancient Reiki symbols in a Buddist Temple to bring healing and harmony to your Mind, Body and Spirit.
Pranic Healing techniques is a highly evolved and tested non touch Healing Modality.
Pranic Healing is a no touch modality where all types of illnesses can be treated using pranic energy. Pranic Healing can be a powerful complement to any medical treatment that you are undergoing. Pranic Healing increases the rate of healing by influencing your natural life force to bring about a healthier body.
​ 45 Min.- $100.00
Depression can be the result of intense and prolonged periods of stress, trauma, low self-esteem, doubt or an accumulation of fear. These energies should be checked for, and removed energetically by a Energy Healer or seen by a Doctor.
As part of your session with me to help you facilitate healing on your depression issue. I will access and administer positive energy from the universe onto your frontal cortex with will reach and help with the healing of your emotional center of the brain which will help apply a resurgence of positive energy that can lay the foundation for recovery and pathway to healing.
In addition to being checked out for depression, it is suggested that clients who are being treated for depression should also incorporate the following (this will greatly accelerate your healing process):
1. Meditation on Twin Hearts . Pranic Healing Founder, Master Choa Kok Sui states that this meditation is an ‘anti-depressant’, and has many beneficial effects like balancing the well being of the Mind, Body and Spirit.
Cancer Treatment
45 min - $100.00
Fortunately, I was able to treat someone who had a tumor in her stomach and after several sessions, her cancer tumor was gone.
In a Pranic Healing Session, with Reiki energy I will focus on your cancer with several Pranic Healing colors and Reiki energy designed to eradicate your cancer.
A cancer cell is, in fact, cells that divide continually, forming continually and flooding the lymph nodes with abnormal cells. A cancer cell is a cell that grows out of control. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells ignore signals to stop dividing , to specialize or to die and be shed. These cancer cells absorb the good cells and and keep on evading the body. But there is good news. All things are possible when you believe that the power of God is beyond all boundaries !
45 min- $100.00
Stress is measured as any emotional and physical factors which causes bodily or mental instability. It includes factors like trauma, toxins, illnesses and injuries of any sort. Stress causes are many and varied. Stress is the main reason of heart disease, psychological problems and high blood pressure. Stress at work contributes to absenteeism, low performance and decline in problem solving ability. So it is extremely significant to decrease stress. When you avoid stress its negative effect appear. It is very difficult to completely abolish stress and it would not be desirable to do so. You can learn to manage stress so that you can control your physical and mental well-being. The physical health effects are irregular and faster heartbeat, shallow and increase in the blood pressure. Stress in long run causes several physical and mental illnesses.
In addition to receiving Pranic Healing treatment a person could also incorporate the following:
– Meditation Practice. My personal favorite is the Twin Hearts Meditation. You will receive a mini healing every time you do it.
Helping With Addictions
45 min - $100.00
Addictions are also energy; Pranic Healing can help with such cases applying Pranic Psychotherapy. We mainly use cleansing and energizing techniques, applied in the energy field and also the brain. The part of the brain that causes addiction is called the mesolimbic dopamine pathway. Addiction is defined as a chronic, relapsing disorder characterized by compulsive drug seeking and use despite adverse consequences. It is considered a brain disorder, because it involves functional changes to brain circuits involved in bringing balance to the brain which allows healing to begin .